Melbourne: Climate emergency seminars at Sustainable Living Festival

Councils leading climate emergency

WHEN: Saturday 10 February 2018 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm
WHERE: Off the Grid, Birrarung Marr, Melbourne (near Fed Sq and the river)
COST: Free

Frustrated at the failure of State and Federal governments to respond effectively to the climate emergency? Campaigners led by CACE (Community Action in the Climate Emergency), RSTI and the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign have succeeded in getting Darebin Council to adopt a council-wide climate emergency plan. Other councils, councillors and community groups are now pushing this campaign nationally, first to councils, then to the states and then to the national government.

On 18 January 2018, CACE’s Darebin campaign passed a new mile stone with the final meeting of the interim advisory committee of the body which will have a significant amount of the carriage of the Darebin climate emergency plan. The meeting adopted the name for the new organisation, ‘Climate Emergency Darebin’ and approved the new interim’s board’s terms of reference along with a series of other recommendations.

Philip Sutton, RSTI, has produced most of the key documents.


Don’t mention the emergency? How to talk about the climate crisis

WHEN: Saturday 10 February 2018 at 11:00am to 12:00pm
WHERE: Off the Grid, Birrarung Marr, Melbourne (near Fed Sq and the river)
COST: Free

As the earth heats up and tipping points pass, is it OK to make people afraid by talking honestly about the dangers we face? Or is the truth too much to face? As greedy billionaires plunder nature, exploit the vulnerable and hide their wealth in tax havens, is it OK to make people angry? What does realistic hope look like in the ‘age of consequences’? This session includes discussion of how best to convey the climate emergency message and examples of the effective use of strong language.

Organised by Darebin Climate Action Network


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Taking the climate crunch to court

WHEN: Sunday 11 February 2018 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm
WHERE: Off the Grid, Birrarung Marr, Melbourne (near Fed Sq and the river)
COST: Free

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Can we reverse global warming?

WHEN: Sunday 11 February 2018 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm
WHERE: Off the Grid, Birrarung Marr, Melbourne (near Fed Sq and the river)
COST: Free

The Festival Great Debate. Featuring Paul Hawken

Exploring the vital role carbon ‘drawdown’ could play in helping reach a below zero emission world. What will Australia’s role look like in mounting this historic social, political and technical mobilisation to cool the planet fast?

WHEN: Friday 9 February 2018 at 6:30 to 9:30pm
WHERE: The Dome, Birrarung Marr, Melbourne (near Fed Sq and the river)
COST: $25
