Climate emergency reporting requires persistence

“It is high time that journalists and media realise that we are facing a climate emergency,” says the Danish journalist Morten Steiniche, who encourages journalists of all genres to sign the petition and declaration ‘Journalists declare a climate and biodiversity emergency’. On 6 May 2019, IPBES – the United Nations Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity Read more about Climate emergency reporting requires persistence[…]

20 anbefalinger til nyhedsmedierne: Sådan bør klimakrisen dækkes

Udarbejdet af Morten Steiniche, journalist, klimakommunikatør og aktivist   Baggrund for anbefalingerne De redigerede medier spiller en vigtig rolle for, hvordan vi i samfundet opfatter og reagerer på klimaforandringerne. Det er et ansvar, som medierne bør tage ekstremt seriøst. Mediernes rolle er at informere både borgere og politikere om, hvad der foregår i samfundet. Som Read more about 20 anbefalinger til nyhedsmedierne: Sådan bør klimakrisen dækkes[…]

Denmark: Petition calls for a national climate emergency declaration

Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, the Danish branch of ActionAid which is an international non-governmental organisation whose primary aim is to work against poverty and injustice worldwide, has launched a petition calling on the Danish government to declare a climate emergency. Next week they will have posters about it across the country. The petition has three demands: • Read more about Denmark: Petition calls for a national climate emergency declaration[…]