Going to a climate-related rally or public action? It might be a march, a divestment action, or an anti-fossil fuel gathering outside the office of a corporation or MP, but you can underline the climate imperative behind such gatherings by taking along a Climate Emergency Declaration placard.
When you do, please email us photos of the people holding the placards at the event for display on social media to help make this ‘a thing’ that inspires others to also amplify the climate emergency imperative.
Download and print this A3 banner image and stick it on cardboard or similar to make your placard.
Download and print this A3 banner image and stick it on cardboard or similar to make your placard.
To print the placard image below at any size —
Click here – or right-click on the image – to download a zip-package with an EPS-document in vector format. Can be used at whatever size is required.