| 2022 supporters | 2019 election | 2016 eminent signatories | Snapshots in support |
| Endorsements | Statements | Business endorsements | Organisations’ endorsements |
Supporting groups
58 Australian groups currently support this campaign calling on the federal Australian government to declare a climate emergency. They are:
• 350 Eurobodalla
• 350 Melbourne
• Act on Climate
• Australian Association of Bush Regenerators (AABR)
• Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)
• Baby Boomers for Climate Change Action
• Ballarat Climate Action
• Bayside Climate Change Action Group
• Beyond Zero Emissions
• CACE – Community Action for the Climate Emergency
• CANWin (Climate Action Now Wingecarribee)
• cedamia
• Centre for Climate Safety
• Climate Action Canberra
• Climate Action Hobart
• Climate Action Monaro
• Climate Action Moreland
• Climate Change Australia (Hastings branch)
• Climate Change Balmain-Rozelle
• Climate Code Red
• Coffs Coast Climate Action Group
• Conservation Council SA
• COREM (Community-Owned Renewable Energy Mullumbimby)
• CORENA (Citizens Own Renewable Energy Network Australia)
• Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association
• Darebin Climate Action Now
• Eastern Climate Action Melbourne
• Environment Centre NT
• Extinction Rebellion Australia
• Future Environment Defenders (FED Up)
• Geelong Sustainability
• Groundswell Bass Coast
• Healthy Futures
• Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) Inc
• Journeys for Climate Justice
• Lake Wollumboola Protection Association Inc
• Lighter Footprints
• LIVE (Locals Into Victoria’s Environment)
• Long Future Foundation
• Market Forces
• Nature Conservation Council of NSW
• Newcastle Climate Change Response
• Parramatta Climate Action Network (ParraCAN)
• Psychology for a Safe Climate
• Rahamim Ecology Centre
• RSTI (Research and Strategy for Transition Initiation)
• Save the Planet
• Shoalhaven Transition Inc
• St Andrews Uniting Church Fairfield
• Stonnington Climate Action Network
• Surf Coast Air Action
• Sustainable Engineering Society
• Transition Byron Shire
• Transition East Geelong
• Vote Climate
• WATCH (Wodonga Albury Towards Climate Health)
• Western Region Environment Centre
• Yarra Climate Action Now
• Zero Emissions Byron
Non-Australian groups and organisations supporting the climate emergency declaration campaign:
• Climate Emergency Institute
• GreenHeart Education
• Climate Change Emergency Medical Response
• Council for Green Revolution
• Giornate Italiane di Diritto e Giustizia Climatica
• Green Party of England and Wales
• Greenpeace UK
• Candidates in the EU election
• Southern Oregon Climate Action Now (SOCAN)
First eminent signatories
These 24 Australians signed an open letter published by a group of climate emergency activists in Melbourne in the national newspaper The Age on 23 June 2016:
• Philip Adams, broadcaster
• Kirstie Albion, CEO, Australian Youth Climate Coalition
• Paul Barratt, former head, Defence Dept
• Professor Judy Brett, historian
• Dr Stephen Bygrave, CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions
• Geoff Cousins AM, President, Australian Conservation Foundation
• Mary Crooks, CEO, The Victorian Women’s Trust
• Professor Peter Doherty, Nobel Laureate for Medicine
• Ian Dunlop, former chair, Australian Coal Association
• Professor Tim Flannery, palaeontologist
• John Hewson, businessman and former Opposition leader
• Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, marine scientist
• Professor David Karoly, atmospheric scientist
• Professor Carmen Lawrence, former Western Australia premier
• Dr Colin Long, Victorian Sec., National Tertiary Education Union
• Professor Robert Manne, political scientist
• Bill McKibben, author and co-founder, 350.org
• Christine Milne, Global Greens Ambassador
• Paul Oosting, CEO, GetUp
• David Ritter, CEO, Greenpeace Australia
• Professor Peter Singer, moral philosopher
• Professor Fiona Stanley, epidemiologist
• Dr John (Charlie) Veron, pioneer coral researcher
• Mark Wakeham, CEO, Environment Victoria
Eminent Aussies call for a #ClimateEmergencyDeclaration in @theage.
Add your voice too at https://t.co/QJPku2Kq1U pic.twitter.com/AU7vW6mY8y— ClimatePetitionSTORM (@petitionSTORM) June 23, 2016
2022: New supporters in Australia

Monique Ryan, independent member of Federal Parliament

Melissa Lowe, candidate for Hawthorn in the Victorian election

Sophie Torney, Independent candidate for Kew
2019 federal election candidates in Australia
A list of candidates in the 2019 federal election, who signed the Climate Emergency Declaration statement of support, was updated by Margaret Hender on www.cedamia.org/2019-candidates
2017: Australian snapshots in support
This interim petition handover group photo in Canberra shows a wide range of interest in a Climate Emergency Declaration and Mobilisation.
The Climate Emergency Declaration petition was delivered to Parliament on 27 February 2017, and the occasion brought together not just many sides of politics but also involved collabortion between the worlds of engineering and climate emergency declaration campaiging.
Holding the box of petitions are Adam Bandt MP (Greens) and Pat Conroy MP (ALP). Two along from Adam is John Hewson of Liberal party fame.
Between them is Adrian Piani, Chair of the Environmental College of Engineers Australia. Also present are former Coal Association chair Ian Dunlop, former head of Engineers Australia David Anthony Hood, Senator Janet Rice, Senator Lee Rhiannon, Gill King from Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC), Lyn from 350Eurobodalla, Steve Posselt and his wonderful Kayak4Earth support crew, Philip Sutton, co-author of Climate Code Red, and other local supporters of this campaign.
The hand-over marked the end of a two month journey for Steve Posselt from Ballina to Canberra in his kayak down the coast of New South Wales to gather support for the call for an emergency declaration. At the end of the trip the petition had gathered 18,101 signatures – with the petition still open for signing. » Read more

Three candidates at an election forum in Macnamara (previously Melbourne Ports) on 3 April 2019 express their support for the declaration of a climate emergency: Labor candidate Josh Burns, Greens candidate Steph Hodgins-May, and independent Ruby O’Rourke.

Rahamim Ecology Centre is an environmental education, spirituality and advocacy ministry of the Sisters of Mercy based in Bathurst NSW

The Hon. Lily D’Ambrosio, Victorian Minister
for Environment and Climate Action

Professor Will Steffen, climate change expert

Tony Zappia, Labor MP for Makin

Nine Yarra councillors: mayor of Yarra Amanda Stone, Mi-Lin Chen Yi Mei, and Danae Bosler (ALP);
Misha Coleman, Mike McEvoy and James Searle (The Greens); Jacky Fristacky
and Daniel Nguyen (independents); and Steve Jolly (Socialist Party).

Paul Scully (Labor Member for Wollongong in the NSW Parliament), Steve Posselt (petition campaigner), Sharon Bird (Labor Member in
the Federal Parliament) and George Takacs (Greens Councillor)

David Wright, Mayor of Ballina, (right) signs the Climate Emergency Declaration petition
– together with Gail

Denise Knight, Mayor of Coffs Harbour, signs the petition

Shoalhaven Mayor Amanda Findley signs the petition

Labor MP David Feeney and Mr Kelvin Thomson, former Labor member for Wills, signing the petition

Mr Peter Khalil, Labor MP for Wills, signing the petition

Darebin Council was the first council to formally recognise we face a climate emergency.
Councillor candidate Trent McCarthy signing the petition in 2016 before he was elected

Larissa Waters Greens Senator and Deputy Leader

Mark Parnell MLC and Penny WrightSA Upper House senator, former Greens federal senator for SA

Sarah Hanson-Young Greens Senator for South Australia

Adam BandtGreens Federal MP for Melbourne

Lee RhiannonGreens Senator for New South Wales

Greg BarberLeader of the Victorian Greens and Lead Candidate for Northern Metropolitan

Janet RiceGreens Senator for Victoria

David ShoebridgeGreens MP and Justice Spokesperson, New South Wales

Jan Barham MLCGreens Member of the NSW Legislative Council

Jane Oakley Greens candidate for Paterson

Keiran SnapeGreens candidate, Makin, SA

Jody MoateGreens Senate candidate, SA

Alex BhatalGreens candidate, Batman, Vic

Penny WhettonClimatologist

Rosemary GlaisherGreens Candidate for Bendigo

Robert Simms Former Greens Senator for SA

David RedfearnALP candidate for Darebin Council in Melbourne, past mayor

Alex SangsterUniting Church minister in Fairfield

Dr Stephen BygraveFormer CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions

Susan Murphy RoshiZen teacher

Xiuhtezcatl MartinezAmerican climate campaigner and hiphop artist

Lyn Smith (left) — Sarah Cowan350Eurobodalla — Sacred Cow Band
Statements in support
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“We are out of time for gradualist policy. We need courage rather than procrastination from our aspiring leaders. Emergency action is a call increasingly being taken up by leading scientists and responsible leaders around the world as extreme events escalate.”
Ian Dunlop, former Chair of the Australian Coal Association and former CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
“Our children top the list of those most likely to suffer from climate change. Their future, their health must be our number one priority. We are doing too little, too late. As a society we need to step up.”
~ Fiona Stanley, Epidemiologist Professor
“Climate policy is not providing a secure future for Australians. The implications of rising sea levels and drowning and failed states are underestimated. Just as we have faced fire, flood, drought and military threat in the past we now need to throw everything we can at the climate crisis. We must make action on global warming the nation’s highest-level priority.”
~ Paul Barratt, former Secretary of the Departments of Defence and Primary Industries & Energy, and a former CEO of the Business Council of Australia
“The unprecedented rate of global warming is melting the polar ice caps, raising sea levels and undermining food and water security for many of the world’s peoples. Action has been too slow, because economics has trumped physics. Now emergency action is the only rational response.”
~ David Spratt, Author
“We have waited too long to act and ecosystems all over the planet are suffering. There have been 226 mass animal deaths just so far this year. Ecosystems are collapsing, coral is bleaching and dying, storms, cyclones, floods, heatwaves and extremes of cold and winds are all getting worse as CO2 levels rise. Time has come to act! Politicians must take note. We will not stand by and watch them ignore the most important issue in the history of human existence. Change is inevitable. This election is the new beginning.”
~ David Baggs, CEO & Program Director, Global GreenTag International
“We are running out of time to save our Great Barrier Reef, protect our rural communities, safeguard our way of life and avert a global warming catastrophe. Dangerous global warming is not just an environmental issue. It threatens our children’s future and it’s unfolding before our eyes. The Paris climate agreement is a historic first step, but without a rapid transition to clean energy, we risk serious ever more serious fire, drought, extreme weather, conflict and global instability.”
~ Larissa Waters, Senator, Australian Greens Deputy Leader
“It’s all about risk. Would you cross a bridge if the design engineer told you that you only had a 66% chance of getting to the other side? Would you board an aircraft if the aeronautical engineer said that ‘I only design aircraft with a 66% chance of them arriving at their destination’? No? Neither would I. We engineers design and build to ensure as near as humanly possible that there will be no catastrophe. Why then are politicians and business leaders accepting a 66% chance the the worlds climate will be survivable by mid century? We must declare a climate emergency now, and act as if we are at war. We owe it to our grandchildren.”
~ David A. Hood AM, Chairman, Long Future Foundation – Deputy Chairman, Beyond Zero Emissions – Councillor, Australian Conservation Foundation – Adjunct Professor, Science and Engineering Faculty, QUT
“We need to act on the climate emergency now. It is not too late to shift to 100% renewables and change our dietary preferences to improve our own health and that of the planet – the planet we have borrowed from our children.”
~ Dora Marinova, Professor of Sustainability, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute
→ More quotes and statements in support: 2019
Share the endorsement-quotes below on Facebook and Twitter to help build momentum. Invite other eminent people to endorse the petition too.
» Overview of endorsement images on Facebook
Business endorsements

Total Earth Care in New South Wales: “Between December 2019 and February 2020, all of our 50+ employees voted on the climate emergency declaration as a private company. It was clear that all staff were concerned about climate change and the majority expressed their belief that without radical action our planet and humankind have a very grim future ahead.”
Organisations’ endorsements
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Signed on Day 1
Three Darebin councillors and two candidates in the next council election – Bo Li, Angela Villeila and Trent McCarthy – signed the Climate Emergency Declaration Petition, together with 160 Darebin citizens, asking federal parliament to declare a climate emergency and restore a safe climate.
Support for petition campaigner Steve Posselt

Jodi Magi (left) and Tony Gleeson (right) shares their messages to Steve Posselt who kayaks 1,200km to collect signatures
Support for the climate emergency expression
In a comment on a Facebook-book thread, Miriam Robinson said she is no longer using the terms climate change, global warming, or similar. She is now making a point of always saying ‘climate emergency’. Others are following her lead on that:
“We are in the middle of a climate emergency…”
Adam Bandt, The Greens
» The Australian Greens – 2 May 2016:
Adam Bandt introduces #RenewAustralia to the lower house (Video on Facebook)
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