Newsletter 1: The Climate Emergency Declaration campaign so far

Welcome to our first e-news, and thank you for signing up to receive occasional e-news about the Climate Emergency Declaration and Mobilisation campaign.

If you were one of our earliest signers, chances are you signed at either the website, the CORENA website, or the petition platform, so you might not know we now have a website for the overall campaign. You can see the campaign website at

We originally hoped we’d have 100,000 signatures by the time the election was over, but as you can see below, we still have a long way to go! Please help us reach that number by asking your friends to sign, sharing our Facebook posts, or retweeting our Tweets.

Signature count as of July 23

Those of you who signed the ‘Petition + Actions’ petition also reported some of the climate actions you take. The chart below shows the percentage of petition signers taking those actions. This not only tells government how the public is mobilising, but it also shows others what can be done and is being done already.

Open Letter published in The Age
Meanwhile, a number of influential people signed the following Open Letter calling for a Climate Emergency Declaration, published in The Age on June 23.

What will a Climate Emergency Mobilisation be like?
Declaring a climate emergency is the first step in mobilising government and community resources and funds that are not normally available. Declaring an emergency inspires the public to act in accordance with the common good and ensures that political differences are temporarily moderated in pursuit of a shared existential purpose. The following hypothetical newspaper front page gives a taste of what might happen. (You can read the text, and Share the Facebook post if you wish, here.)

A Climate Emergency Declaration is a top-level ask. Achieving this would almost automatically achieve many of the current piecemeal climate-related campaign aims.

As part of an emergency climate response, one would expect to see an immediate ban on all new coal, oil, and gas projects, and a ban on expansion of existing ones. Fossil fuel subsidies would cease. There would be a very rapid transition from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy, starting with an orderly closure of our most carbon intensive power stations and assisted by just transition pathways for displaced workers. Forests would be protected and reforestation projects would commence, and rapid carbon drawdown methods would be investigated.

Philip Sutton has drafted model legislation for a Climate Emergency (Restructuring and Mobilisation) Act. Such legislation would provide the Australian Government with the legal powers and planning machinery needed to restructure the economy and mobilise resources in order to restore a safe climate and safe ocean pH.

Melbourne event – Wed July 27

Hosted by Breakthrough.
A forum discussion exploring National Climate Emergency legislation will directly follow the film screening of ‘The Age of Consequences’ on Wednesday 27 July 2016 at 6:30pm at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image in Melbourne. Bookings at

Sydney event – Tues August 2
Hosted by the Sustainable Engineering Society, Sydney.
Join David Hood at “The Big Conversation” with Ian Dunlop, UTS Great Hall, City Campus Tower Building 1, Level 5
15 Broadway, Ultimo, Sydney, 5:30 for 6:00pm start, 2 August. It’s the conversation we must all have about the very big risks of inaction on climate change, and getting off our addiction to fossil energy. Register at

Finally, if you’d like to help work on the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign in some way, please consider joining the closed Facebook group where we discuss strategies and organise projects.


The Climate Emergency Mobilisation team

Petition endorsements
See more at Supporters

Signatories to the Open Letter published in The Age:

Philip Adams, broadcaster
Kirstie Albion, CEO, Australian Youth Climate Coalition
Paul Barratt, former head, Defence Dept
Professor Judy Brett, historian
Dr Stephen Bygrave, CEO, Beyond Zero Emissions
Geoff Cousins AM, President, Australian Conservation Foundation
Mary Crooks, CEO, The Victorian Women’s Trust
Professor Peter Doherty, Nobel Laureate for Medicine
Ian Dunlop, former chair, Australian Coal Association
Professor Tim Flannery, palaeontologist
John Hewson, businessman and former Opposition leader
Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, marine scientist
Professor David Karoly, atmospheric scientist
Professor Carmen Lawrence, former Western Australia premier
Dr Colin Long, Victorian Sec., National Tertiary Education Union
Professor Robert Manne, political scientist
Bill McKibben, author and co-founder,
Christine Milne, Global Greens Ambassador
Paul Oosting, CEO, GetUp
David Ritter, CEO, Greenpeace Australia
Professor Peter Singer, moral philosopher
Professor Fiona Stanley, epidemiologist
Dr John (Charlie) Veron, pioneer coral researcher
Mark Wakeham, CEO, Environment Victoria

Noteworthy articles

Climate Reality Check – After Paris, Counting the Cost, by David Spratt

Leading the Public into Emergency Mode – A New Strategy for the Climate Movement, by Margaret Klein Salamon

Climate change: waiting for catastrophe means we will be too late to act, by Ian Dunlop

Philip Sutton has drafted model legislation to support a Climate Emergency Declaration. See more here.

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