27 May 2019

Non-governmental climate emergency declarations

Radio stations
Scientific societies
Religious organisations
Political parties

The Australian Climate Emergency Declaration campaign, which was launched on this website in May 2016, was primarily directed towards governments. As of today, the phrase ‘climate emergency’ and the idea of declaring a climate emergency in a motion, amendment or declaration-paper, is also used by non-governmental bodies and groups, such as:

  • Universities: University of Bristol, of Exeter and of Newcastle recently declared a climate emergency
  • The Club of Rome, an international organisation with members including eminent scientists, business leaders, ex-politicians and retired heads of state
  • Political parties, including the UK Labour Party and Scottish National Party
  • Scientific societies, such as the Australian Society for Parasitology
  • Community radio stations, such as 94.7 The Pulse in Geelong, Australia
  • Large environmental organisations, including Greenpeace and WWF, which have just now adopted the term, and grass roots activist groups such as Extinction Rebellion
  • Networks and alliances, such as EAUC, the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education, which represents over 200 institutions with a combined total of 2 million students and nearly 400,000 staff, and the International Federation of Social Workers
  • School strikers and the #FridaysForFuture movement

Cedamia monitors the field and compiles data on this map of non-government climate emergency declarations

Find many more details and links below, together with examples of related quotes, articles and news stories. This is an area that keeps growing on a daily basis.


B Corps, a global network of 4,000 companies in 150 industries in 74 different countries

Blenheim Palace
Cotswold Fayre – fine food wholesaler, 32 employees, CEO: Paul Hargreaves
Ecotricity – ‘Britain’s greenest energy company’, CEO: Dale Vince
Exodus Travel – as part of ‘Tourism Declares’
Laverock Law Cottages
Leap – communication and graphic design agency in Cornwall
Phoenix Adam
Price & Myers
Rowlinson Knitwear
The Long Run – as part of ‘Tourism Declares’
ToastAle – brewery
Verco Global
Wholegrain Digital – WordPress web design and development agency in London

BioPak, Sydney, New South Wales (article)
Lion, Victoria
Tandem Energy, South Australia

Fetzer Vineyards, California
Mightybytes, Illinois

• Romantic


Business 4 Climate Action, Boonah, Queensland – 19 scenic rim businesses

Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency – a global community of 323 organisations, companies and professionals working together to plan a better future for tourism.


“I am announcing this week that we, at Cotswold Fayre, have declared a climate emergency and I am encouraging you to do so too.”
~ Paul Hargreaves, Cotswold Fayre CEO

→ Wholegrain Digital – 17 July 2019:
Why we are declaring a climate emergency, and you should too

→ Centre for Climate Safety – 2 June 2019:
Business leaders declare a climate emergency

→ Quartz – 29 May 2019:
The best way to fight climate change is to treat it like a business
Opinion piece by Jay Coen Gilbert, co-founder of B Lab

→ The Guardian – 22 May 2019:
Amazon workers demand Bezos act on climate crisis
“Jeff’s inaction and lack of meaningful response underscore his dismissal of the climate crisis and spoke volumes about how Amazon’s board continues to de-prioritize addressing Amazon’s role in the climate emergency.”

→ BusinessGreen – 20 May 2019:
The XR effect: Ecotricity declares ‘climate emergency’ and sets 2025 net zero target
“In what could prove to be a world first, green entrepreneur Dale Vince has today declared a ‘climate emergency’ at renewable energy specialist Ecotricity.”

“Most businesses were not designed in the context of the developing climate emergency. Hence we must urgently redesign entire industries and businesses, using science-based targets.

To kick start the process and in support of the social movement for a climate emergency, a number of business leaders in April 2019 stated that businesses should make a declaration that we face a climate emergency and organise a session at a full board meeting to consider the case for urgent action. They said they would encourage the senior management teams of which they are part to do likewise.

These individuals are committed to examine the question of how to help business and financial markets to do what currently seems to be impossible for them: to declare a climate emergency – and then develop transition plans in close consultation with wider society. The plan is that we will convene working sessions through 2019.”

→ Business declares a climate emergency:




94.7 The Pulse in Geelong


Bristol University
• Clare College MCR
• East Anglia University (UEA)
Essex University
Exeter University
• Falmouth University
• Keele University
• Lincoln University
Newcastle University
• St Andrews University

• Bangor University

• Glasgow University

• Barcelona Tech (UPC), Catalonia
El Claustro Universitario de la UPC
La Universidad de Salamanca
University of Malaga

• Auburn University, Alabama
Southern Connecticut State University, Connecticut
• Sterling College, Vermont

Letter: Universities declare climate emergency

Universities and other institutions from six continents have declared a climate emergency in a letter detailing a three-point plan to address the climate crisis ahead of the UN Climate Action Summit in September.

The letter marks the first time higher education establishments have collectively committed to address the climate crisis.

On 13 August 2019, 139 institutions representing 2,315,719 students and 41 networks representing 8,296 institutions had signed the letter.

The letter is part of The SDG Accord – the university and college sector’s collective response to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

→ IISD – 23 July 2019:
Universities Declare Climate Emergency Ahead of Climate Action Summit


Three-point plan
“Networks representing more than 7,000 higher and further education institutions from 6 continents announced that they are declaring a Climate Emergency, and agreed to undertake a three-point plan to address the crisis through their work with students.

The three-point plan includes:
1. Committing to going carbon neutral by 2030 or 2050 at the very latest;
2. Mobilizing more resources for action-oriented climate change research and skills creation;
3. Increasing the delivery of environmental and sustainability education across curricula, campus and community outreach programmes.”

→ UN Environment – 10 July 2019:
Higher and Further Education Institutions across the globe declare Climate Emergency

How to sign up your university
There is a ‘Click here to sign’-link on this page: www.sdgaccord.org/climateletter
That link will take you to a Google form that you can use to sign on your university to declare a climate emergency.

“As a university we have committed to reduce carbon emissions, established a sustainability strategy and developed an ethical investment policy. We know though that we need to go further and faster, and we have been inspired by our staff, students and community to ensure we grasp the opportunity – indeed obligation – to show greater leadership on the climate emergency facing all of us.”
~ Professor Sir Steve Smith, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom

→ Devon Live – 20 May 2019:
University of Exeter declares ‘environment and climate emergency’
“The future of our planet and community is at stake” – “The University of Exeter has declared an environment and climate emergency. There are increasing calls for urgent action with governments, councils and a range of organisations declaring an environment and climate emergency.”


HLBLA St Florian, Austria

Dorothy Snot Pre-school and Kindergarten, Athens
Mia Fora Ki Enan Kairo

Engim San Luca di Torino
I.C. Capasso-Mazzini
IC Ercolano 5 – Iovino – Scotellaro
IISS Notarangelo Rosati Foggia
Istituto Comprensivo di Salsomaggiore Terme
ITI E. Majorana Grugliasco
l’IIS Vallauri di Fossano
Liceo Scientifico Giuseppe Mercalli, Naples
Marzotto Luzzatti, Valdagno

The Chase School

UK Labour have pledged to make the global climate emergency a key part of the school curriculum from primary school onwards. The Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner promised a curriculum that would not just educate young people about the ecological and social impact of the climate crisis, but also prepare them for the renewable energy and green technology jobs of the future.

→ Labour.org – 23 May 2019:
Labour to make climate change core part of school curriculum

→ See also: www.cedamia.org/schools


International Federation of Social Workers

The Australian Medical Association, Australia’s top medical body
• Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV)
• Western Australian Local Government Association
• The Blue House, Mullumbimby

→ News – 3 September 2019:
Doctors declare climate change ’emergency’

• Australian Architects Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
ARM Architecture, and many more architect companies

“For everyone working in the construction industry, meeting the needs of our society without breaching the earth’s ecological boundaries will demand a paradigm shift in our behaviour. Together with our clients, we will need to commission and design buildings, cities and infrastructures as indivisible components of a larger, constantly regenerating and self-sustaining system.”
~ Architects Declare Australia

“Australian architects are joining an international declaration recognising the existence of a global environmental and biodiversity climate emergency. Wtating that “the research and technology exist for us to begin that transformation now, but what has been lacking is collective will,” the architects seek to “advocate for faster change in our industry towards regenerative design practices,” “establish climate and biodiversity mitigation principles as the key measure of our industry’s success,” and “upgrade existing buildings for extended use as a more carbon efficient alternative to demolition,” among other goals.

→ Archinect – 31 July 2019:
Australian architects declare climate and biodiversity emergency

Australian Engineers Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency
Close to 1,000 individuals and 74 engineer companies and organisations had signed on 29 September 2019.

David Hood: “Calling all engineers out there.”

Danish Architects Declare Climate & Biodiversity Emergency

National Federation of Builders (NFB) – major contractors group

EAUC – the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education

Culture Declares Emergency was launched on 3 April 2019 with the first wave of 193 declarers announced – many of these theatres, concert venues, cultural institutions and organisations, such as Aberdeen Performing Arts, Shakespeare’s Globe, Royal Court Theatre in London, Centre for Contemporary Art and The Natural World in Dartington, Museum of Liverpool, and many more.

• The Royal Institute of British Architects has joined the international declaration, Architects Declare.

• United Western Lenape Nation
• In June, the American Institute of Architects passed its own resolution calling for “urgent and sustained climate action”.

• Bloc Québécois


• The Australian Society for Parasitology Inc.

The Australian Society for Parasitology is the first scientific society to do so, and hopes to inspire others to follow.

→ Read more on www.parasite.org.au


World Council of Churches

• Community of Christ – British Isles Mission Centre and its congregations
Diocese of Bristol and Swindon
Church of England General Synod

• The Vatican

Anglican Diocese of Perth, Western Australia (article)


• The Australian Greens
• New South Wales Greens Party
• South Australia Greens Party
• Victorian Greens Party

• Scottish National Party

• UK Labour Party
The Green Party of England and Wales