Making the case for emergency climate action

By Jane Morton

As climate catastrophe looms ever closer, some opinion leaders still hold fast to the view that we must not mention the seriousness of our plight for fear of demoralising people.

But how could we explain to our children, in some dystopian future of runaway global warming, that we held back from telling the truth at a time when human action could still have made a difference? It’s time to talk honestly about the climate emergency and what we need to do to save human civilisation and the precious eco-systems on which we depend.

Download ‘Don’t mention the emergency?’ and give a copy of the booklet to your local political representatives and others in your local networks.

Contact the author, Jane Morton at if you would like her to lead a group discussion on climate emergency messaging, or if you would like hard copies of the booklet for an event.

» Download Endnotes (Word document)

» Jane Morton’s 45-minute presentation about climate messaging in February 2018:

Jane Morton: Why we should mention the emergency