Jane Morton: Why we should mention the emergency

If you are interested in the topic of how we get more people to listen and take action on climate issues, clinical psychologist and climate emergency campaigner Jane Morton’s 45-minute presentation provides some food for thought.

We are at a point where the truth is frightening. Some say we must protect people from ‘doom and gloom’ and not mention the climate emergency. This talk by Jane Morton explains that the messages that move people to action combine emotionally compelling description of a serious, personally relevant threat with emotionally compelling description of solutions that will fully address the threat, and indicate a clear path to take action.

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» Read Jane Morton’s booklet ‘Don’t mention the emergency?’

Podcast interview

Jane Morton was guest in 3RRR’s Greening the Apocalypse on 6 November 2018 where she talked about the psychology of climate emergency messaging and the booklet ‘Don’t mention the emergency?’ 

Jane says she’d love the chance to talk to climate groups or other audiences about this and there will soon be training for those who would like to help with outreach or talks on emergency messaging. 

» Listen to the episode of Greening the Apocalypse which was aired on 6 November 2018. The interview begins after 1 minute.

Read more about the topic

» The Sustainable Hour – 21 February 2018:
Immediate solutions in a climate emergency