Response to UN Chief’s global climate emergency declaration call

On 12 December 2020, the United Nations Secretary-General asked the world’s governments to declare a climate emergency in their countries until carbon neutrality is reached – in recognition of both the urgency and the stakes. The world’s leading media outlets picked up the story right away and distributed the message widely on tv screens and Read more about Response to UN Chief’s global climate emergency declaration call[…]

Open letter from Greta Thunberg: #FaceTheClimateEmergency

“It’s time to #FaceTheClimateEmergency,” writes Greta Thunberg and #FridaysForFuture members in an open letter to global leaders, signed by thousands of activists, scientists, representatives of civil society and influencers. Within the first three hours, 20,000 more people had added there name to the letter, which was sent to all EU leaders and heads of state Read more about Open letter from Greta Thunberg: #FaceTheClimateEmergency[…]

Sweden first Nordic country to enter map of global climate emergency movement

Lund and Malmö are the first two municipalities in Sweden that have joined the climate emergency declaration movement of close to 1,500 council’s world-wide. Sweden thus becomes the first Nordic country to enter the map of the global climate emergency movement. The municipal council in Lund in southern Sweden acknowledged a climate emergency on 4 Read more about Sweden first Nordic country to enter map of global climate emergency movement[…]

Club of Rome launches Climate Emergency Plan

On 24 November 2018, We Don’t Have Time in Sweden broadcasted a webinar where Anders Wijkman, honorary chairman of the Club of Rome, presented a keynote about the Club of Rome’s Climate Emergency Plan, which calls for immediate emergency action by policymakers and stakeholders worldwide. Watch it here: Global broadcast of ‘no-fly seminar’ about the Read more about Club of Rome launches Climate Emergency Plan[…]