Psychology on the climate emergency
Video recording of Extinction Rebellion Victoria’s zoominar ‘Sounding the Alarm’ with Paul Gilding, Roger Hallam and Jane Morton on 26 June 2020
Video recording of Extinction Rebellion Victoria’s zoominar ‘Living in Climate Truth’ with Jane Morton and Margaret Klein Salamon on 2 July 2020
Councils in the climate emergency
Trent McCarthy: An update about Climate Emergency Australia
Webinar: Running as a climate emergency candidate in council elections #2
Monday 3 August 2020 at 7:30pm
Running as a climate emergency candidate in council elections #2 is an information session on the value of running as a climate emergency candidate in council elections, tips, strategies and resources.
The session has the same scope as the 1st session with some refinements and additional info.
→ More info:
→ You can listen to an excerpt of the 1st session here: