Climate emergency declarations in 2,364 jurisdictions and local governments cover 1 billion citizens

2,364 jurisdictions in 40 countries have declared a climate emergency. Populations covered by jurisdictions that have declared a climate emergency amount to over 1 billion citizens. Over 61 million of these live in the United Kingdom. In Britain around 96 per cent of the population lives in areas where the local authorities – over 600 Read more about Climate emergency declarations in 2,364 jurisdictions and local governments cover 1 billion citizens[…]

United Kingdom: Council climate action scorecards

Having declared a climate emergency, as most council’s in the United Kingdom have done – what do we need to actually get things done? Start to bring people together locally, says Hannah Jewell from Climate Emergency UK, and start highlighting the ‘role model’ councils with a climate action scorecard. 83 per cent of councils in Read more about United Kingdom: Council climate action scorecards[…]

Climate Emergency Community Guideline

Volunteers from Climate Reality Europe are working on enhancing climate emergency measures and declarations at the local level. Besides having activities in the United Kingdom, Italy, Albania, Spain and Hungary, they have developed a Climate Emergency Community Guideline, which aims to provide guidelines and tips for citizens on catalysing commitments, dialogue and action for a Read more about Climate Emergency Community Guideline[…]

United Kingdom: Search for council climate emergency banners on websites

By Margaret Hender Following on from my recent hunt for Climate Emergency Declaration (CED) banners on the websites of Australian local councils who have declared a Climate Emergency, I knuckled down to search the homepage of all 543 CED local councils in the UK. Maybe there are better ways to spend a wet and wintry week, Read more about United Kingdom: Search for council climate emergency banners on websites[…]

Study about the political effects of declaring a climate emergency

  In a study titled ‘The political effects of emergency frames in sustainability’, academic experts highlight that the Climate Emergency Declaration campaign has been successful in key areas. The stsudy was published on on 26 July 2021. What are the political effects of declaring a climate and biodiversity emergency? A team of academics at Read more about Study about the political effects of declaring a climate emergency[…]

United Kingdom: Climate Emergency UK co-hosts climate action webinar for councillors

Newsletter by Councillor Kevin Frea on 15 June 2021: This webinar on Thursday 17 June from 7.00-8.30pm is for councillors to find out how their council can take urgent action to help the UK meet its climate targets. If you’re not a councillor please share this with your Councillors. → Register here   Secure the Read more about United Kingdom: Climate Emergency UK co-hosts climate action webinar for councillors[…]

United Kingdom: Call for the fashion industry to declare a climate emergency

“Should the fashion industry declare a climate, ecological and social crisis?” asked REAL Sustainability and Business Declares in the United Kingdom – and the answer they received from six speakers and 108 attendees at an online event on 13 May 2021 was loud and clear: “Yes”. Polling of the 108 attendees at the webinar indicated Read more about United Kingdom: Call for the fashion industry to declare a climate emergency[…]

United Kingdom: Classical musicians declare a climate emergency

Classical Declares Emergency On 22 April 2021, the classical music sector officially joined the climate emergency declaration movement, launching #classicaldeclares. High profile individuals and organisations within the classical music world have joined with Music Declares Emergency to further strengthen the response from the music world to the climate emergency and to develop best practice in Read more about United Kingdom: Classical musicians declare a climate emergency[…]

Ambitious climate emergency response plans emerge

With almost 2,000 councils around the world having declared that we are in a climate emergency, what next? Now what? Below are just a few examples of what is currently happening in councils, boroughs and shires that have declared a climate emergency: Climate emergency response plans which involve the entire community are emerging as a Read more about Ambitious climate emergency response plans emerge[…]

United Kingdom: Campaign for Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill

The campaign for a Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill in United Kingdom is getting support from a growing number of UK politicians, currently over 100 MPs and councillors. In this video, Charlie Gardner from University of Kent explains what the British Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill is about: → Share this video on Facebook | Read more about United Kingdom: Campaign for Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill[…]