United Kingdom: Search for council climate emergency banners on websites

By Margaret Hender Following on from my recent hunt for Climate Emergency Declaration (CED) banners on the websites of Australian local councils who have declared a Climate Emergency, I knuckled down to search the homepage of all 543 CED local councils in the UK. Maybe there are better ways to spend a wet and wintry week, Read more about United Kingdom: Search for council climate emergency banners on websites[…]

Four years of climate emergency declarations

Today, on the fourth anniversary of the first Climate Emergency Declaration, almost one billion people, over 12% of the global population, live in an area that has adopted a Climate Emergency resolution. 1. Global overview 2. Are Climate Emergency Declarations ‘symbolic’? 3. Are there legal implications? 4. Partisan influence   1. Global overview On 5 Read more about Four years of climate emergency declarations[…]

Debate: “We know it’s an emergency, but does it help to say so?”

Australia’s largest environmental groups and climate action groups refrain from using the word ‘emergency’ in their climate campaigning work, because it is believed that it could make people shut off rather than get engaged. A climate emergency debate held on 13 December 2016 at Three Weeds Hotel in Rozelle, New South Wales, illustrated however that Read more about Debate: “We know it’s an emergency, but does it help to say so?”[…]

Newsletter 2: Some exciting news and save the dates

Welcome to our last e-news for 2016. We wish you all a safe and happy festive season, and hope you’ll be refreshed and ready in the new year to help build public support for a Climate Emergency Declaration and Mobilisation. It’s what we need, so why settle for demanding less! First some exciting news Three Read more about Newsletter 2: Some exciting news and save the dates[…]

Margaret Hender: Climate emergency campaigning – what have we learnt so far?

What have we learnt so far from the Climate Emergency Declaration and Mobilisation campaign in Australia and what is needed to achieve our goal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9ZiSCMB8nw A number of people in this room, and others, have been involved in climate emergency campaigning for years now, and especially since the book ‘Climate Code Red’ appeared in 2008, Read more about Margaret Hender: Climate emergency campaigning – what have we learnt so far?[…]

Metamorphosis from wild idea into a no-brainer

By Margaret Hender You might recall, not so many years ago, nobody was asking for 100 per cent renewable electricity, or even thinking about it or imagining it might be possible. So what happened? One evening a group of climate campaigners were sitting around a kitchen table trying to devise strategies for reducing carbon emissions. Read more about Metamorphosis from wild idea into a no-brainer[…]